Donate to A Wider Circle on Neighbor to Neighbor Night!
Join A Wider Circle in Celebrating Our Circle of Community Champions
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
At A Wider Circle, we believe that in our region, we have enough resources to ensure that everyone has a bed on which to sleep, career and education opportunities, and communities with all the services needed to maintain stable, healthy lives. When we join together, Neighbor to Neighbor, we can achieve this goal.
Here is what your support on Neighbor to Neighbor Night can make possible:
With a gift of $10,000, A Wider Circle can...
- Provide 5 homes with a full household of furniture and delivery
- Underwrite a full household set-up for our Home Reimagined event
- Fund a round of microgrants at our Ward 8 Hub
With a gift of $5,000, we can...
- Stock the food pantry at our Ward 8 Hub for 3 months
- Help fund a monthly mattress giveaway event at our Community Connections Center
With a gift of $2,500, we can...
- Host a mobile professional clothing event
- Underwrite the cost of one of our regular program series —Monday Walking Club, Wellness Wednesday, or Talk-It-Out Tuesday —at our Ward 8 Hub
With a gift of $1,000, we can...
- Furnish one home for a family
- Provide one month of supplies for the Market Bag program at our Ward 8 Hub
With a gift of $500, we can...
- Provide one Career Support workshop
- Provide training and transportation stipends for our Social Justice Committee
And, with a gift of $100, we will...
- Purchase a brand new twin bed for a child in need as part of our Brown’s Beds 2 campaign!